State Policy for the administration of staff cars/vehicles and purchase of staff cars/vehicles by the Government Department/ Boards/ Corporation etc.
05/08/2009 |
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Restoration of M/s Rosin and turpentine Nahan as an declaring of approved Sources
20/11/2008 |
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Declaring of approved sources.
14/02/2008 |
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Constitution of Standing Purchase Committees for the purchase of various type of stores required by the Govt. Departments & Boards/ Corporations/ Federations in the State of Haryana
27/06/2007 |
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Clarification regarding sales tax applicable w.e.f. 1.4.07.
01/04/2007 |
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Policy guidelines for the purchase of various vehicles.
08/03/2006 |
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Amendment in Purchase Policy/ Procedure.
08/06/2005 |
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Constitution of Purchase Committees and Purchase Procedure.
06/05/2005 |
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Constitution of Standing Purchase Committees for the purchase of various type of Stores required by the Govt. Departments & Boards/ Corporations/ Federations in the State of Haryana
22/07/2004 |
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