Scrutiny of Indent
The Indent is put up on the same or the next working day to the Branch Officer after being scrutinized by stores Purchase section in respect of the following points
- The indent is in prescribed form, that it has been filled accurately and, completely with regard to Head of A/c, sanction, availability of funds dispatch instructions, delivery period etc.
- A separate and consolidated indent is placed by the I denting Officer for each category of Stores
- The indent is accompanied by the statement showing stock position in form S.P.10
- The technical specifications are clear and precise. Whenever ISI specific cations exist the correct ISS No. has been indicated in the indent, and it should be verified from the latest ISS Guide Book
- The dimensions, weight etc. are given in metric units
- The Stores indented are not of a particular make/brand and that specifications are generalized, unless they happen to be proprietary in nature
In case of Proprietary items, a requisite certificate in the following form has been given by the Head of the Department as under
“Certified that the item of stores mentioned in indent is a proprietary product of M/s_________ and no substitute of this product is available.”
In case a substitute though available, does not serve the purpose, the Head of the Department has recorded the following certificate
“Certified that the item of stores mentioned in the indent is a Proprietary product of M/s._________ and the substitute of this Product is available but the same will not serve the purpose for the following reasons namely
- Where samples or ‘test reports are to be submitted by the tenderers, the fact has been clearly stated in the indent
- An adequate number of drawings to be supplied to tenderer are enclosed with the indent
- The technical scrutiny of indent is got done by the Branch Officer through technical officer of Directorate or experts from the Indenting Department or other Departments e.g. Industries, I.S.I, etc
- Wherever, there is doubt. about the genuineness of proprietary certi ficate issued by the Indenting Department the matter should be specifically brought to the notice of Director and his orders as to the mode of purchase obtained
- Whenever any deficiency is found in specifications or certain information is required before the demand could be included in the NIT, clarifications should be sought from indenting Department. In case there are firms manufacturing ISI marked products, and the Indenting Officer has not specified that he requires ISI Marked product, the fact should be brought to the notice of the Indenting Officer so that he may if considered fit, revise the specifications. To avoid delay it is desirable to issue a date bound letter to I.O. (notice) to furnish the information failing which the indent would be cancelled. In case no reply is received the case may be put up to Director Supplies & Disposals for his orders