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- Acceptance of Tender
- As soon as the purchase has been decided by the competent authority, an acceptance of tender is issued to the tenderer in form S.P. 17 communicating the acceptance of his rates and terms and conditions, within 3 days
- The acceptance is required to be unconditional, as conditional acceptance does not constitute an agreement within the meaning of the Contract Act and the tenderer is at liberty to withdraw the offer. L.R. has advised that acceptance can be withdrawn at any time before the security is deposited by the tenderer. The advice of L.R. -is given in annexure V to the Chapter
- No counter offer should be given to any tenderer without the approval bf the competent authority. If the counter offer is not accepted by the tenderer, the original offer may be either rejected or accepted as may be considered appropriate by the competent authority keeping in view all the facts and circumstances of the case