
    Letter No. 11/11-5 IB-II-80, dated the 4th November, 1981

    Copy of letter No. 11/11-5 IB-II-80, dated the 4th November, 1981 from the Commissioner & Secretary to Government, Haryana, Industries Department addressed to All Heads of Departments, Commissioner, Ambala/Hissar Divisions, Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) in Haryana, the Registrar Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh

    Subject : Method of Purchases made by the Departments, through approved I sources.

    I am directed to invite a reference to the subject noted above and to say that according to rule 2.2 of the Finance Department Notification dated 17-7-1975 con, tained in Appendix 17 of P.F.R. Volume II all Heads of Departments, in respect of the approved sources are required to supply annually in the month of January, to all Heads of Departments and disbursing officers under advice of Government in the Industries Department, a detailed upto date list showing

    • The sources under their control with a list of articles manufactured therein with prices
    • The amount of each article or class of articles which each source is required to keep in stock ready made
    • The particulars of which should be specified by officers indenting for the various articles
    • The articles of which samples can be sent on demand or at the source

    According to the above said rule, approved sources are supposed to supply only those articles which are manufactured by themselves and not other articles which are not manufactured by them. Generally it has been seen that while making Govt. purchases the aforesaid instructions are not being observed carefully by the Departments as well as approved sources.

    You are, therefore, requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned disbursing Officers working under their control for strict compliance in future. It is further clarified that if any approved source does not comply with, these instructions, then no purchase should be made from them. Inspite of the position explained above if any purchase is made, both the concerned Disbursing Officer and Head of the Department will be held responsible for it.

    These instructions may please be complied with strictly. The receipt of this communication may please acknowledged.