
Distribution of Duties

As shown in the Organization Chart (Annexure II) the work has been distributed in different sections. The functioning of each section is briefly discussed below

Purchase Sections

There are three Purchase Sections viz

  • Engineering
  • Textile & Leather
  • General

The purchase of all types of Engg. stores/machinery and Scientific apparatus etc. is dealt with in the Engg. section. Textiles & Leather section deals with pur­chase of all kinds of cloth, Yarn, fabrics, ropes, Jute tat, Leather & Sports goods and other allied items. The purchase of other items is handled by the General Section. Each of these sections is under the charge of a Head Assistant/ Deputy Superintendent.

Disposal Section

This section is entrusted with the job of disposal of the old, unserviceable and surplus stores of various States Govt. Departments and State Government Undertakings, Local Bodies etc. The Condemnation and Disposal of the stores is done, keeping in view the provisions of Condemnation and Disposal Rules contained in annexure (C) to Chapter 15 of P.F.R. Vol. I. This section is under the charge of the Section Officer.

Statistical & Registration Section

This section handles the work relating to the registration of firms as approved contractors and maintains complete data of purchase figures. It also deals with the debarring/blacklisting of firms which are found by the Govt. to have indulged in business misconduct or unbusiness like dealings or failed to fulfill their contractual obligations. The work relating to the audit objections and P.A.C. paras is also handled by this branch. This section is under the charge of the Section Officer.

Accounts Section

This section deals with the Budget matters, scrutiny of pay fixation and other claims and drawal of bills from Treasury and maintains cash book and registers of Accounts. The section also deals with the sale of tender forms, registration forms etc. Earnest money/security deposits received from the tenderers/ approved contractors are kept under the custody of this section and proper accounts record of such securities is also maintained. The work relating to the release of , earnest money/security deposits and forfeiture thereof is also undertaken by this section after the receipt of proper orders from the competent authority. The Section Officer who is in charge of this section has to scrutinies all the pay fixation cases and supply orders personally.

Sales Tax Section

This section deals with the collection and deposit of sales tax on the transactions relating to the disposal of surplus and unserviceable stores. This Directorate has been registered as a “Dealer” under Haryana General Sales Tax Act. It is a legal obligation to maintain all accounts and records of sales tax, file quarterly sales tax returns with the Assessing Authority of sales tax at Ambala and have the assessment finalized. This section is also under the charge of the Section Officer.

Administration and Establishment Section

This section deals with establishment and administrative matters of the Directorate and is under the charge of the Office Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent.

Sample Section

This section deals with the receipt, custody and disposal of samples. The samples are received and kept in a separate building under the charge of Sample Assistant. The work of this section is supervised by the Office Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent.