Extension in Delivery Period
- The Indenting Officers are competent to extend the delivery period for 14 days on the request of the contractor after recording reasons in writing that the exceptional circumstances mentioned by the contractor were beyond his control and there was no loss to Government on this account
- The extension in delivery period is granted by Director Supplies & Disposals in all other cases after obtaining a certificate from the Indenting Officer to the effect that there has been no financial loss to the Government and the reasons for delay explained by the firm have been genuine and beyond its control. In cases where the reasons for delay are genuine and beyond control of the contractor and there has been no financial loss to the Government tbe extension is granted. In all cases where the circumstances causing delay are covered by the Standard Force Majestic Clause according to the Indian Contract Act, the extension is granted . in the delivery period. L R’s advice in another case has been reproduced in Annexure VII to this Chapter for ready reference
- On receipt of request for grant of extension of delivery period from the contractor a reference is made by the Directorate to the In denting Officer in. Fr.0r4 SP—19. It Is incumbent on the part of I, O. to. furnish the requisite certificate, promptly so that the ease could be decided by Directorate of Supplies and Disposals without avoidable delay and headship to the contractor. In case the same is not forthcoming within a period of two to four weeks from the date of reference made to L.O. or the reply is vague, the case would be decided on merits as borne out from the record of the Directorate of Supplies and Disposals under orders of DSD and L.O. will be informed accordingly
- The delivery period is not extended in cases where & lower offer was ignored on account of longer delivery ‘period even when there is no financial loss directly resulting from delay or the reasons for delay as explained by contractor are genuine and beyond his control
- No unilateral extension of delivery period is permissible vide LR’s advice reproduced in annexure VIII to this Chapter