

    Title Date View / Download
    Grievance Redressal Mechanism for participating Bidders/Firms in the e-Procurement of the State Policy of 25.07.2016 is amended on dated 27.08.2021 27/08/2021
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    Benefits/Concessions to Haryana based MSMEs in Public Procurement 13/08/2021
    Accessible Version : View(9 MB)
    Procurement of Consultancy/Competent Authorities, scope, power etc. 13/08/2021
    Accessible Version : View(1 MB)
    Adoption of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) by the state -Amendments for effective and accelerated implementation. 21/06/2021
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    Standard format/template for agenda notes to be submitted by various Govt. Departments /Agencies/Oganisation for placing before HPPC/DHPPC or any other High Powered competent authority for their consideration and finalization 23/04/2021
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    Observation of warning signs of Collusion/Bid Rigging by the bidder firms in various tendering processes & action to be taken – Regarding 23/04/2021
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    Constitution of Department High Powered Purchase Committe (DHPPC) for the procurement of Goods/ Stores, Turnkey & Services – Nomination of Minister Member. 24/02/2021
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    Financial powers of various purchase committees/Authorities in respect of procurement of Goods/Stores, Turnkey and services 02/02/2021
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    Allotment of work product or service to any CPSU on nomination basis. 12/01/2021
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    Constitution of Department High Powered Purchase Committee (DHPPC) for the procurement of Goods/Stores Turnkey & Services. 12/01/2021
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    Amendment in performance Security Deposit of the Successful tenderer in public procurement of the State. 14/12/2020
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    Restrictions in Public Procurement from bidders of Certain Countries. 10/12/2020
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