AnnuaI Rate Contract of Perforated Corrugated PVC Pipes & Fittings, required by Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana. ( Sr.No.11)
06/01/2022 |
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Annual Rate contract of Filter material required by Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana ( 12).
06/01/2022 |
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Two years Rate Contract for the Purchase of 12 Nos. inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICP) instruments for installation in Soil Testing Laboratories required by the Director General, Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana (Sr. No. 09).
13/12/2021 |
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Two Years Rate Contract for Purchase of Whatman Filter Paper No. 01 & 42 for Soil sample Analysis valid upto 15.12.2023
16/12/2021 |
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Two Years Rate Contract for the purchase of Whatman Filter Papers No.1 & 42 for Soil Sample Analysis required by the Director General, Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana(Sr. No.10).
16/12/2021 |
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Two Years Rate Contract for the Purchase of 12 Nos .Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer(ICP) Instruments for installation in Soil Testing Laboratories required by the Director General, Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department, Haryana(Sr. No 9).
13/12/2021 |
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Annual RC for the supply of combined High pressure jetting-cum-suction (vacuume) type Hydraulically operated sewer cleaning Machine valid up to 21.10.2022
22/10/2021 |
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Annual RC for the supply of ISI Marked ERW M.S Pipes valid upto 10.10.2022
11/10/2021 |
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Annual Rate Contract for the purchase of ISI Marked Deltamethrin(Sr. No.6)valid up to 20.09.2022
21/09/2021 |
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Amendments in Rate Contract for purchase of Generic Allopathic Veterinary Medicine on two years RC.
31/08/2021 |
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Two Years Rate Contract for supply of instruments for Mini soil Testing Lab valid upto 25.07.2023
26/07/2021 |
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Rate Contract for the purchase of lSl Marked Poty Aluminium Chloride valid up to 30.06.2022
02/07/2021 |
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