- Samples are not accepted unless specifically asked for in the NIT
- Tenders without sample where samples are specifically asked for are liable to be ignored
- Samples should not be less than the quantity necessary for test even when no specific quantity of sample has been asked for in the Schedule to tender
- Each sample should have a card affixed to it duly sealed giving the following particulars
- Name & address of the tenderer
- Tender number
- Date of opening of tender
- Item number against which it may be considered
- Any other description which may be considered necessary
- The tenderer should specifically state that the sample submitted conforms to the specifications laid down in Schedule to the tender
- Samples should be delivered to the Sample official in charge in the office. Samples sent “Freight to pay” or sent through “G/R-R/R” will not be accepted
- Samples must be deposited with the Sample In charge of the Directorate by the due date and time of opening of tenders. Samples received after the fixed time and date should be ignored unless competent authority decides, otherwise for reasons to be recorded in writing
- Samples should be collected by the tenderer from the date of notice issued to them by the Director, Supplies & Disposals, Haryana, failing which the samples will become the property of the Government and will be disposed of by public auction and the sale proceeds will be deposited in the Government account and no claim shall be entertained there after. Loss of samples, damage, wear and tear or injury on account of testing, exposure, experiment etc. shall not constitute the ground for claiming any compensation from the Government
All the samples received by the Samples in charge are entered in a Sample register in form SP 20 date-wise as and when they are received. Particulars regarding the superscribed tender No. etc. are to be clearly mentioned along with the name of the tenderers. The Sample in charge produces all the samples before the panel of officers along with the register of samples for the signatures of the panel on the samples as well as on the register of samples.