Tenders must be submitted on the prescribed tender form ( Annexure-V).
These forms can be obtained from the offices , mentioned in Para 2.6 between 11-00 AM to 12-00 noon and 2-30 P.M to 4-00 P.M on all working days and 9-00 A.M to 1.30 P.M on the tender opening days.
These tender forms can be purchased on cash payment of the prescribed amount of tender fee mentioned in the tender notice .These can also be obtained from this office by post on sending a Crossed Postal Order/Money order of the said amount in favor of Director, Supplies & Disposals, Haryana ,well in time .In the latter case the request must be received at least 10 days before the due date to facilitate timely dispatch of the tender forms.
If for unavoidable reasons, it is possible to purchase the tender forms, from any of the above mentioned offices ,the tenderers may submit their tenders on their letter heads along with Crossed Postal Order drawn in favor of Director, Supplies & Disposals, Haryana ,,equivalent to amount of the tender fee and send them either by post or deposit in the tender Box personally by the due date and time.
No tender is entertained after 2-00 P.M on the tender opening day under any circumstances .
Tenders are opened ordinarily on Ist and 16th of every month. If it happens to be holiday ,these are opened on next working day. In case of Special/Short terms tenders these are opened on the dates mentioned in the tender notice.
After the opening of tenders, the rates are announced by the officials of the Directorate for the information of all the tenderers who may happen to be present at that time.